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Advanced C and Unix

Good evening sir,
I have some doubts as below please clarify.
1) In pointers-IV,while accessing word,
A sample:
char*word;   word->h o m e\null
putchar(*word) prints letter h
putchar(*++word) prints letter o
instead use:
putchar(++*word) prints letter i
since *word is the box h
So here my question is that in the above example home is considered as word but you told that putchar(++*word) prints letter i hence how and from where does the letter i prints?
2) In Initialisers topic,you told that below is a syntax error but here number of elements defined and available are equal so i do not understand that how does it a syntax error?
short b[2]={
3)  In pointers-IV topic,while accessing sentence->char*-> h o m e \¢
     how do we represent in terms of   **sentence for accessing third and fourth letter   of word.
4) in c preprocessor topic you told that at the top of c program, set of .h header files are written in correct sequence so i want to know that if these are not in sequence then doesn’t the program work? if no then why? because anyway either sequential or non sequential all the  .h header files at the top of program are compiled and executed so it is supposed to be work right.
5) for add.c accm statement, you said that it does an 8 but addition with the operand specified and stores the result in accumulator in it’s least significant 8 bits but here c stands for char then how does addition is possible with char, as addition is possible only with numbers.
6) in file management, inode number is 2 bytes and thus you told that a maximum of 65,536 files can be represent but a data block number is of three bytes and hence for storing it in inode block it requires minimum three inode blocks then how does it possible to store a maximum of 65,536 files identity.
7) in file management, it is been said that by default 25% of inode blocks are available however it can be increased or decreased as per our requirement but it cannot be increased beyond 64k blocks as inode is a 2 bytes block number which equals 65,536 which means 65k blocks but in previous statement you said 64k thus i got confused here so please clarify it.
8) what is the difference between recursive and iterative?
Thanks and Regards,
Ravi Roogi
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