+91 9945200008     support@uttaracomputers.com


Why teach at Uttara

  • Share your knowledge to a wider audience
  • Supplement your income
  • Own the content and complete control of your course
  • Join the network of passionate & great teachers

How to join the Uttara’s teachers network

What makes a good Teacher at Uttara?

Trainers teaching at UttaraComputers are amazing teachers with a passion and willingness to share their expertise with the world.

Our best authors are amazing teachers. They use storytelling, enthusiasm, and expertise to communicate concepts and demonstrate tasks and techniques. Their ability to communicate, and their passion for their topic, makes them amongst the best in the industry.

Who will see my course?

Students anywhere in the world would be able to access the course and subscribe to your content. Our focus is Indian Geography but students across the globe will be able to access and make use of the course.

How does a new teacher get started?

Fill in the details at this page and we will contact you with how to take this forward. If you have any questions, you can contact at support@uttaracomputers.com and we will be glad to help.

We want to experience your enthusiasm, and see your teaching skills in action.

What is the financial model?

Compensation is based on course viewership.

UttaraComputers teachers usually receive a royalty based on how much their people have subscribed for their course. We’ve created a very transparent model that offers you most of the payments collected from the course being deposited to your account.

How long does it take to create a course?

It depends on the course and the time you can commit! We’ll work with you get your course out to the world.

How will UttaraComputers help?

We will help in making your courses the best they can be. Our editors will guide you with the video production and editing process.

Contact Us

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